

Broadly speaking, our goal is to utilize the Society collection to carefully preserve “Milton’s stories”.  The categories of items we seek, along with examples are:

PHOTOGRAPHS: Hard copy or digital files. Images of Milton and Crabapple citizens, buildings, parks and events.

ARCHIVES: Personal papers, currency, periodicals, newspaper articles, books, postcards, receipts, menus, advertisements, land deeds, ledgers, maps, ephemera that reveals Milton’s past.

HOME OR BUSINESS ARTICLES: Items that would have been used in a 19th or 20th century home or business such as glassware, quilts, irons, kitchen/food service and business machines such as a cash register.  Personal items such as jewelry.

FARMING / EQUESTRIAN EQUIPMENT: Small scale tools and implements used in the growing of crops or livestock management. 

RECORDED HISTORIES: Interviews in digital format of individuals regarding their experiences of selected historical events.

FURNITURE: Unique 19th and early 20th century pieces used in homes or businesses.

ART: Priority on Georgia and local artists, way of life depictions, scenes here for a particular period OR pieces owned as part of a larger collection of historic significance.


Item Examples

Commonly sought collectables include, but are not limited to:

  • Genealogical Records of the early settlers of Milton 
  • Antique Maps of Old Milton County
  • Photographs from the geographic area that is now Milton
  • Unique business records, deeds, receipts, menus, and other ephemera from the Milton or Crabapple geographical area
  • Equestrian Memorabilia 
  • Baseball Memorabilia if specifically related to Milton
  • Unique, rare memorabilia of Milton residents
  • Small artifacts used in farming or agribusiness of this area 
  • Unique, rare antique furniture from houses or businesses in Milton 
  • Recordings of oral or video histories; digital format-MP3 or MP4 preferred. 



If you have documents, images, or artifacts that you believe would complement our permanent collection, please tell us about them via an email to

Please include the following: 

  • A description of what you are proposing to donate
  • The historical background with dates or estimates 
  • The significance to Milton’s history 
  • Attach photos if possible 
  • Your phone number


Please do not send the original materials you wish to donate to the office. The Society archivist or other Board Member will contact you to review your donation and determine next steps. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the donation process?

We will carefully review proposed donations for their best fit with our collection and ability to be cared for in perpetuity. If you have material that you believe of interest to us, please email with the following: a brief description of why the items are of significance to Milton’s history, dates and photographs of the items along with your contact information including a phone number. The Collection Scope and Collection Items Examples may help you decide if you are not sure.  The archivist or other Board Member will contact you to discuss next steps. 

If we would like to accept your item(s), you will be asked to sign a transfer of ownership document called a Deed of Gift. You will be given a copy of the Deed of Gift listing your donation. 

If the Society cannot or does not accept your donation, we will seek to refer you to another repository that has a collection that best fits what you are offering. 

Can I mail or drop off a donation?

We cannot accept drop off donations left at the office. Arrangements to evaluate potential donations must be made a Board member to review the possible item(s). Use this email to contact us –

How are potential donations reviewed?

Donation offers are usually reviewed first by one or more members of the Board’s Archive Group. Additions to the permanent collection are accomplished via a vote of the Board of Directors. The Artifact and Historical Records Donation Policy guide those decisions. They are summarized via the Collections tab. 

How will be donations be care for and kept safe?

We uses museum archival storage materials, locked cabinets in an environment with temperature and humidity monitoring. There is restricted physical access to the archive area.  


How long does it take to review proposed donations?

Typically, the process takes about one to three months to complete the evaluation, paperwork and approvals. 

Will the Society appraise my donation for its monetary value?

We do not provide appraisals of the monetary value of proposed donations or for any other reason because the Internal Revenue Service regards museums and libraries as interested parties. Monetary appraisals prepared for donors by such institutions are subject to question or disqualification.

Professional appraisers, however, will perform this service for you directly. To find a licensed appraiser in your area, contact one of the following organizations for a referral: the American Society of Appraisers, the International Society of Appraisers, or the Appraisers Association of America.

Can I take a tax deduction for my donation?

Milton Historical Society is recognized as a qualified 501c3 charitable organization. If you have an appraisal of the items performed or know the value, discuss the tax deduction with your accountant.  

Will the Society exhibit the materials in my donation?

We cannot guarantee when and how historical materials donated to the collection will be exhibited. Materials will be available for researchers and our goal is to make as much as possible viewable from our website. 

If I donate materials, will they be returned to me at my request?

Once your donation is accepted for the collection, you will be asked to sign a Deed of Gift, which legally transfers ownership of the donated materials to the Milton Historical Society. 

Can donated materials be removed from the Society’s collection?

We may, with approval from the Board of Directors, remove historical materials from the collection through a process called deaccessioning. In rare circumstances, objects, images, or documents may need to be removed from the permanent collection. If there is a question as to the ownership of the materials, an item is deemed inauthentic, poses a risk to other objects in the collection or has deteriorated beyond reasonable repair, items may be considered for deaccessioning. Deaccessioned historical material may be returned to the owner if available, transferred to another museum or cultural or educational organization, destroyed, sold, or disposed in another manner at the discretion of the Society. Any proceeds from the sale of deaccessioned historical material are used to support the preservation of the remaining collection.

Does the Society accept long-term loans?

We do not accept long-term loans at this time. The Society prefers to commit its resources to the storage and preservation of historical materials that are part of its permanent collection.

How do researchers access historical materials in our collection?

Our holdings are available to researchers via our website or by appointment. We also provide photograph duplications for publication and/or research upon request for a fee. Please email  for an appointment or for more information.

Mailing Address:

12460 Crabapple Road, Suite 202-509

Milton, GA 30004

Email us


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